

池中先生・小栗さんの「Characterization of Phase-II conjugation reaction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish species: unique pyrene metabolism and species specificity observed in fish species」というタイトルの論文が、Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology誌にアクセプトされました。




Metabolic activity, particularly conjugation, was examined in fish by analyzing pyrene (a four-ring, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detector (FD), a mass spectrometry (MS) system, and kinetic analysis of conjugation enzymes. Fourteen fresh water fish species, including Danio rerio and Orizias latipes, were exposed to aqueous pyrene, and the resulting metabolites were collected. Identification of pyrene metabolites by HPLC/FD and ion-trap MS indicated that the major metabolites were pyrene glucuronide and pyrene sulfate in all 14 species. Differences were observed in pyrene glucuronide:pyrene sulfate ratio and in the total amount of pyrene conjugates excreted between fish species. Furthermore, a correlation was found between the amount of pyrene glucuronide present and the total amount of the pyrene metabolite eliminated. Kinetic analysis of conjugation by hepatic microsomes in vitro indicated that the differences in excreted metabolites reflected the differences in enzymatic activities.